Download SimPLL

SimPLL V1.0 Download and Installation Instructions:

There is one download file that installs both the demo version of SimPLL and the full version.

  1. Download
  2. Unzip to a temporary directory
  3. From the temporary directory run setup.exe to install
    SimPLL and SimPLLDemo

The default installation provides two programs that you can run:

SimPLLDemo: the demonstration version that will run immediately. We recommend working through the tutorial.

SimPLL: the full version of SimPLL. When you run this it will display a registration code that you will need to send to Applied Radio Labs if you wish to purchase a license. After you have purchased your license, you should also apply the latest patch from the Updates page.

If you later wish to remove SimPLL simply use Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel to remove the installation.

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